I’m lovin’ it
Its indeed been a long road. Lots of wins and losses, ups and downs, many times I wanted to stop, to give up. I gotta say it’s been one amazing ride so far. This past year especially. I’ve had a lot of time to think, reflect and also project and anticipate (still anticipating) what the future holds.
2016 I could say, has been an eye opener on many levels. I was indeed tested to the core of my character. Faced with many hard and somewhat confusing choices, taking on highly challenging responsibilities; mine and otherwise. I learned a lot in the process; mostly. By experience. Patience being chief. I made mistakes, beat myself up afterwards, then got back in the ring (I guess in the end, that’s what matters most).
I experienced. I experienced joy, sadness, pain, relief, victory, defeat, hurt, heartache, friendship, disappointment, doubt. I could go on and on. All I’m saying is sometimes, it sucked but most of the time it didn’t. The best experience I had though and still have is Love. I experienced love like never before. There’s nothing like knowing that through all the confusing or hard times, there’s always that place you can go to. A place you can escape to. A ‘fortress of solitude’ to my Superman.
I grew. I grew in many ways and on many levels. Hit targets; intended and unintended. Finished my first book, working on a second, plans are falling in line,
Another year’s gone by and all I can say is I’m immensely thankful for how far I’ve come, for the man I’ve become, for where I am; knowing without a doubt that where I’m going from here is beyond my imagination in how awesome it’s gonna be (mind-blowing). It’s been one amazing ride so far. I learned, I experienced, I grew and I’m lovin’ it.